
Understanding Self

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Understanding Self

Every individual we come across will teach you something new about you.   For example: Have you ever come across someone who annoys you? Someone who makes you instantly feel comfortable? Someone who makes you angry?   Take the time to: STOP, LISTEN, OBSERVE, WATCH, EMBRACE, NOTICE, REFLECT,   Remember others can push something that can trigger a feeling within you. Take the time to understand what this feeling about and how the person has left you feeling. By understanding the feeling you can choose how to respond back, rather than react to the feeling. Understanding Self   This process can teach you more about yourself, leading to a greater sense of self-awareness. Please get in touch for any queries you may have. Lalitaa Suglani Never judge a book by its cover: look beyond what the eyes show...

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The Void

Posted by on 7:28 am in Sphere Blog, Uncategorised | 0 comments

The Void

  The Void Everyone’s void is different. Everyone wants something different in life. Is there something within you that feels as though it is missing? But you just do not know what it is? How can you fill something that is missing, that you don’t know what it is? – Confused? So is your mind, which will start to unconsciously fill the void, it may be temporary or you may fill it, so you don’t have to feel that ‘void’ feeling again. It is important to note that everyone’s void is looking for something different. What are some of the traits that might be missing from the Void: attention, joy, wanting, loneliness, acceptance, being loved, companionship, happiness,  Some feelings you may feel from not filling this void: become low in mood, fear, sadness, angry, anxious, doubtful of self, feeling of failure for not filling void, agitation, being on edge,  Behaviours that can occur from the feelings being felt: relying on others to feel accepted, becoming needy towards others- to perhaps try and be noticed for attention, trying to please others, Keeping really busy so the void is out of sight out of mind, emotional eating, avoidance, housebound,  Understand your void: Become in touch with your void. Embrace your void. What does it need.  Just by becoming aware of this void, can help you understand what you need. Please get in touch for any queries you may have. Lalitaa Suglani Never judge a book by its cover: look beyond what the eyes show...

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Metaphor to describe therapy

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Metaphor to describe therapy

I see therapy as being a mental surgery process. Sounds painful? I am not going to deny this, but mentally it can be. First part of the process is realising you have an issue and seeking help for this. The therapist will scan the client to identify the issue; this is done by asking relevant questions. Following this, the surgery process will begin. A time and date will be negotiated with you and your therapist. You decide to go in not knowing what could happen – will you recover? – what are the risks? You may be really nervous, as you are letting someone else see the issues you are dealing with on your journey. Although the client and therapist have a set goal, anything can happen during the sessions. The therapist may say something that can impact on the...

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